5 tips to choose a personal trainer

A good routine of exercise that allows to burn grease, tone your body and maintain good health should be designed according to your needs and by a personal trainer. According to information published...

5 tips to do exercises at home

Lack of time and not knowing how to do exercises at home is one of the most frequent reasons or excuses of people when they are questioned the lack of physical activity, if they wish lose weight or...

To avoid abandoning your routine

The arrival of holidays not only does it mean a necessary break from the daily routine and worries, but it is also a period in which physical and mental health is improved because it is the perfect...

5 tips to resume your exercise routine

Resume your routine exercise after a long time without physical activityIt's very healthy However, doing it hastily can be dangerous and cause injury. A common mistake is to pretend to do the same...

5 tips to improve physical condition

All people have force, resistance, flexibility, coordination Y speed. These physical characteristics are developed differently in each person according to the effort that must be made daily. The...

5 tips for a perfect summer workout

The summer arrived and you have to take advantage of the good weather to keep you in shape. According to the portal huffingtonpost.com, the sports training that takes place during this time of the...

5 video games to burn calories

According to a study of the University of Chester, in England, published in the magazine Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, there are video games to burn calories and that help you lose...

5 tips to maintain your physical condition

The physical activity It is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for the heart. To maintain your physical condition You must try to get your ideal weight, a diet balanced, rest adequately and...

5 tips for not abandoning the exercise

How to do to stay true to your purposes of health during 2012? Besides going to a good fitness center, a lot of discipline Y willpower to meet the challenges outlined.Therefore, we give you 5 tips to...

6 hygiene tips to go to the gym

Undoubtedly, exercising is a great reward not only for our body, but for our mind, but sometimes we forget what to do when we are doing some physical activity, either in our home or social club,...

Goodbye to flaccidity ...

Genetically we are designed to accumulater fat in different areas of the body; example, the arms. However, the excess in such a delicate area can cause the skin present some problems, the flaccidity...

Avoid it to improve your rest!

What time do you prefer to do exercise? Maybe your multiple occupations do not leave space in the morning and you have to do it at the end of the day, however, there is a type of exercise that you...

Basic exercises vs. fat

The accumulation of fat in the hips is one of the problems experienced by most women, so one of their frequent questions is: how to burn fat from the hip effectively, to have the body you have always...

Avoid them and get fit!

Various studies show that the exercise It is very beneficial for health, since it stimulates your brain, strengthens the immune system and helps you burn caloriesHowever, there are some things you...

6 reasons to activate

The human body is designed to keep moving, so physical inactivity causes damage to health. According to some specialists, the practice of exercise It is fundamental for the psychological and physical...

Practice them!

The buttocks and legsthey serve to walk and run correctly, that is, they maintain a good balance of the body so that they move at great speeds, but what are the best exercises to tone these areas of...

Get active and oxygenate your body

The stress and the daily tasks, sometimes we can not schedule a time to perform any physical activity, which is necessary, not only for health, but feel better, because when we move we oxygenate our...

6 tips to practice exercise with diabetes

Currently there are many professional athletes who live with diabetes and can practice exercise without any problem, you just have to take some recommendations into account. So if you are in these...

1. Your body is everything

Without a doubt, there are several reasons to look good in the new year, since it is a way to renew and look like you've always wanted.However, when it comes to wanting to change your body, there...

On your marks….

How many times have you heard or read about the benefits to be done? exercise Do you have for your health? If that has been motivating for you, but you do not know how to start exercise, do not...