Goodbye to flaccidity ...

Genetically we are designed to accumulater fat in different areas of the body; example, the arms. However, the excess in such a delicate area can cause the skin present some problems, the flaccidity among them.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Plastic surgery interventions to stretch and eliminate flaccidity from the top of the arms of women have shot up 4. 40%. This is mainly due to the influence of the muscled arms of celebrities.


Goodbye to flaccidity ...

A good way to eliminate flaccidity of your arms is through exercising. For this reason we give you some movements that will help you with this objective, with information from the Instructor Ángeles Estética.

1. Everything at hand. Load a ½ liter bottle with sand and take it with both hands. Keep it extended, arms up, flex and extend backwards.

2. Practical Take the bottle with the hand right and get in profile. Advance the left leg and delay the right to have a better support and balance. Tilt the trunk to about 45 degrees and perform forearm flexion and extension backwards.

3. Work everything. Standing, place your hands on your shoulder and raise your elbow to form a straight line. In that position, you must go up and down as fast as you can until you reach 30 repetitions.

4. Lizard. They can be done with the legs stretched or bent, resting on the knees. With your back straight, lower your chest until it almost touches the floor and get up.

5. On the side. With a dumbbell in each arm , one arm flexes while the other extends alternately. The back must be straight at all times.

6. Exercise for triceps. It can be done standing or sitting, with a single dumbbell or with both arms at the same time. The area that the force should focus on is the back of the arm.

A good way to eliminate the flaccidity of the arms is through exercise, but above all to improve the diet. Remember that your health is in your hands.