Basic exercises vs. fat

The accumulation of fat in the hips is one of the problems experienced by most women, so one of their frequent questions is: how to burn fat from the hip effectively, to have the body you have always wanted ?

According to a study of the University of Florida , the hormones cause the accumulation of fat in the hips, pelvis, buttocks and thighs in women, which affects them aesthetically by promoting the development of cellulite.

Researchers say that it is very difficult to eliminate fat in the hips; However, there are some exercises that can help you reduce deposits that affect your body.


Basic exercises vs. fat


  1. Keep the balance. Stand up with your feet slightly open. Bend your knees and squat until your fingertips touch the floor. Get up slowly and let your body weight recharge on your right leg, bend your left knee and take your shin with your hand. Hold the posture for a few seconds and return to the initial position. Do 20 repetitions and alternate the legs.
  2. Cross override. Stand up with your legs spread and your hands on your head. Cross the right leg behind the left, as if making a bow. Lean with your right hand on the ground and return to the initial position. Do 20 repetitions and alternate the legs.
  3.  Dumbbells Take a pair of dumbbells. Stand with your legs apart and knees slightly bent. Place your arms in front of your chest with palms facing inward. Flex your torso until the dumbbells are at ankle height. Return to the starting position. Perform 20 repetitions.
  4. Shoulder and lateral squat. Stand with your feet together and take dumbbells to the sides. Take a big step to the right and flex your knee. After a few seconds, bend the left knee to move your torso to the center and stay in a squatting position. Extend the right leg and flex the left to make another adjustment. Return your body to the center. Do 20 repetitions.
  5. Hip strengthening. Place an elastic band on your ankles and lie on your side. Lean on your forearm to balance your body. Extend both legs. Lift one leg at hip height, you will feel a little pressure on the tape. Return to the initial position and repeat 20 times quickly. Change side.
  6. Crosses Keep the previous position, but this time stretch your right arm and recharge your head on it. Stretch your legs, but this time cross the right on the left. Maintain the tension of the tape, while raising and lowering the foot quickly 20 times. Change side.

Remember that the constant practice of exercise normalizes your hormonal levels, improves your mood, activates your blood circulation in the thighs and helps you detoxify your body.

The combination of cardio exercises with strength is very effective in reducing hip fat, but if you combine this routine with a balanced diet you will have greater success. And you, how do you avoid the accumulation of fat in your body?

Video Medicine: Shaun T's 5-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout (April 2024).