Natural birth is more humanized and conscious

The Birth truly natural , is that free of all medical interventions, where the woman only receives support, love and guidance from people with positive attitudes.

Natural birth is that where no rules , there are no times, you can walk, or scream or cry. You may need the support of other people or privacy. It is something that the woman does for herself and her baby. It is not the delivery of exogenous oxytocin, or the doctor, or anyone else.

Natural birth is not a demand for perfection; It can be noisy or on the contrary take place in complete silence; It can be painful and with periods of tension and impatience, but it is natural because only the woman and her baby belong to her.

Finally, truly natural childbirth has no time: it can not be induced or rushed. Birth takes its time and in each woman it is different; it requires patience and a respectful attitude towards the woman who is in this trance, but above all, you need to trust fully in her and in her capacity to give birth.

In a natural childbirth, the baby arrives and his mother he is the one who gives him the welcome , he hugs and feeds him immediately, free of any interference that could distort his first impression of the world. The baby arrives calm, full of energy and confident.

We need to regain confidence in childbirth, in its perfect biological design; let's not forget that our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers experienced natural births, at least for the most part. This has been the case since the beginning of time: the woman is scheduled to give birth vaginally and naturally . We must be respectful of this process and be calm: awaiting birth is not waiting for a disaster to happen. Emergencies rarely occur in a healthy mother if the natural process has been respected. And giving birth in a hospital should not be a prelude to the difficulties that may arise, when it is in the hospital and often due to the interference of health personnel, who compromise the health of the mother and her baby.

"Contrary to what one thinks, natural birth is not a return to the past, but to recover the capacity and confidence in one's nature and surrender to it. Nor is it to give up the technology , but assign him the rightful place in the complications and crisks . Scientific evidence shows that natural childbirth is not only more dignified for women, it is also the safest. "(Quote from

The attitude of the mother It is important throughout the process, especially when planning a natural birth, in which case, the main requirement is trust.

Everything a woman needs to give birth is in herself, including the tools to handle the pain or discomfort of childbirth. One of these tools is, for example, the breathing , with which you can modify your emotions, with which you can relax to reduce tension and therefore pain.

When a woman is aware of her birth, she faces it with joy and self-confidence, she is certain that the wisdom and strength of her body are capable of giving birth and taking care of her child; When the woman is truly conscious, she trusts the power of her body, her energy, her instinct. If the woman is conscious then she can choose how and where to give birth -even in a hospital- and you will be able to choose the people who will accompany and assist you during the delivery, when you need it.

Natural birth is an experience that is worth living aware of our options, our risks and our maternal power . And this does not mean that childbirth is always perfect, it is simply about acquiring "self-responsibility".

The staff that will assist the woman during delivery should aim to respect the natural physiology of the process, allow the mother to follow her instinct, be able to walk or feed when needed, be able to choose a position and change it for comfort. ; It should be a priority not to alter the process of labor and avoid interventions that could cause complications.

The purpose of humanizing the actions of the reproductive process is to culminate with the birth of a new healthy person, with a healthy mother physically, emotionally and psychologically, with parents and families capable of positively assuming parenting .

The information to the mother and the family during labor is considered a support to prepare the mother and her partner for an active participation in the birth. It is necessary, therefore, to give emotional support to the mother and to the family during the birth process, which could reduce the demand for analgesia, reduce intrapartum complications, minimize postpartum emotional difficulties and increase the satisfaction of all.

In conclusion when opting for the natural birth, humanized and conscious The woman is considered the protagonist of her birth, she can count on the company of her choice at all times (couple, family member, friend, doula or instructor of psycho-prophylaxis ) and their needs are considered and respected: therefore they are allowed to wander, eat, drink fluids and freely choose the positions in which they want to work their labor, without having to lie down or in a lithotomy position. There are no routine interventions that are obsolete and without a scientific basis that justifies them unless they are truly necessary and she participates in this decision. The mother and her son remain together, even during the evaluation of the newborn, favoring the initiation of breastfeeding and the mother-child bond.

When your baby is born, opt for organic diapers better, that have natural and biodegradable components, but that are soft and absorbent so that they take good care of your baby.

Mary Acasuso

Collaboration of Psicoprofiláxis Montaña and ANIPP
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