5 tips to resume your exercise routine

Resume your routine exercise after a long time without physical activity It's very healthy However, doing it hastily can be dangerous and cause injury. A common mistake is to pretend to do the same routine from the first day of exercise and that is not convenient.

GetQoralHealth It tells you some considerations that you should take into account so as not to hurt yourself and return to exercise after a long time.

1. The body requires time to adapt to the exercise , so that the muscles and bones are strengthened, acquire tone and flexibility. Therefore it is important to start progressively and without demanding too much, especially if you have had a injury .

2. If the reason why you stopped doing exercise It was due to illness, it is important to consult your doctor before starting with your routine. Do not forget to ask if you should have any special care.

3. Before starting, set a goal; run a marathon, do 100 ABS daily or go cycling on a long journey. Whatever your goal, write it down and leave it in a visible place like in the refrigerator.

4. Create a plan exercise ; define days, times and place where you will go to practice. Find new ways to exercise. You can try exercises soft as yoga or pilates .

5. Learn to listen to your body and accept your own limitations. Especially if you stopped doing exercise for health reasons or some injury .

6. Take care of your muscles . Start with slow movements; If you train with weights, use the smaller ones to improve your resistance. Gradually increase the weight and repetitions depending on the result you want to obtain.

Remember that the physical activity it's just part of your plan Health . If you complement your routine with small changes in your diet , the results will be more noticeable. Good luck!

Video Medicine: How to Get Back Into Shape After No Exercise for a Long Time : Full Fitness Training (May 2024).