6 reasons to activate

The human body is designed to keep moving, so physical inactivity causes damage to health. According to some specialists, the practice of exercise It is fundamental for the psychological and physical balance of people.

The Spanish Heart Foundation notes that the sedentary lifestyle It is considered one of the biggest risk factors in the development of disease cardiac, and a direct relationship has even been established between sedentary lifestyle and cardiovascular mortality. That's why GetQoralHealth gives you six reasons to activate:

  1. Increase the risk of diabetes : Staying seated most of the day increases the risk of suffering diabetes , obesity and fatty liver.
  2. Increases the risk of death: People with physical inactivity are 40% more likely to die.
  3. Reduces life expectancy: This is reduced by 22 minutes, each hour people spend in front of the television.
  4. It is linked to Cancer : The sedentary lifestyle is responsible for more than 170 thousand annual cases of breast and colon neoplasms.
  5. Generates accumulation of body fat: Pressure on different parts of the body produces up to 50% more fat than normal.
  6. The risk of suffering a heart attack increases: People who do not perform any type of exercise They are 54% more likely to die from a heart attack.

Learn more about sedentary lifestyle

The following video explains what the sedentary lifestyle , its causes and risks:

A sedentary lifestyle can be modified by adopting a lifestyle that includes the practice ofexercise and a balanced diet since childhood. And you, how much physical activity do you do every day?

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Video Medicine: 6 Reasons to Fully Activate Your 3D Vessel (May 2024).