What do you do to cultivate and strengthen your self-confidence?

Judging yourself, criticizing you harshly, are actions that unwittingly wear away little by little the confidence in yourself that you can come to feel; But how to avoid this action, which is sometimes so natural and imperceptible?

For the graduate in clinical psychology, Celeste Rivera , the word confidence comes from the Latin confidere whose root is fides which means faith. So having confidence in yourself has a lot to do with having faith in you, who you are and what you are capable of doing when fear, doubt or insecurity are not clouding your vision of yourself and your circumstances.


What do you do to cultivate and strengthen your self-confidence?

GetQoralHealth gives you seven keys to achieve it and thus reach the fullness of your life.

1. Exercise A study published by the Journal of Health Psychology, It indicates that people with a low sense of self-esteem gained greater self-confidence through the practice of a physical activity. No matter the speed or hardness of it, what helps your mood is exercise.

2. Dancing. According to a study conducted by the Center for Dance Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire It was discovered that dancing not only improves the mood, but also helps self-esteem, the search for a partner and even improves the lives of those with Parkinson's.

3. Smile The gestures that occur in social relationships, make people feel more connected and this in turn fuels self-confidence. This according to data extracted from an investigation elaborated by the Purdue University in Indiana.

4. Visit your Facebook profile. An investigation carried out by the University of Wisconsin- Madison i Indicate that reviewing the profile in social networks can help you not only to be more sure of yourself when receiving positive reviews after a comment, but to reduce depression.

5. Take care of your physical appearance . Feeling good on the outside will make you feel good inside. The aesthetic cares or your way of dressing help a lot.

This leads you to feel better, more sure of yourself, and that is reflected in your behavior and treatment: more open, more friendly, closer, in short, more captivating. That attitude is transmitted and others perceive it and respond in the same way. Your outer world is only a reflection of your inner world.

Having more confidence in yourself is something that you can only achieve yourself. Take care, try it!

Video Medicine: 5 Secrets To BOOST Your Confidence | How To Be MORE Confident TODAY! (April 2024).