Photogallery: Tips to improve your body image

Although essential for self-esteem and personal success, body image is for many a constant struggle that can be lost by simple things; example, social networks. According to a study by the International Journal of Eating Disorders, 20 minutes of browsing on Facebook are enough to generate dissatisfaction with one's appearance.


Every human being experiences feelings about their appearance, and thoughts and emotions about what other people think about the aspect that is displayed. In addition, the body image is also the way you feel about your body: if you are strong, capable, attractive and you have everything under control, "as indicated by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

But nevertheless, Is it possible to improve body image without diet or aesthetic treatments? Yes. Discover the best tips to achieve in the photo gallery that we present at the top. You can!

Video Medicine: HOW TO POSE IN PICTURES (April 2024).