Carpaccio of artichoke hearts with chives and lemon vinaigrette

The artichoke is one of the foods that help detoxify your body in a natural way, since its consumption stimulates lymphatic drainage and prevents fluid retention.This vegetable is rich in fiber so it...

Take advantage of the flavor of your soups

Lovers of good cuisine consider that one of the secrets to prepare a good Soup is to take advantage of the original juices of the products (fish, meat or chicken) with which the first broths.With...

Rice With Chicken Curry

How many times have you been left wanting to repeat a cooking recipe that you saw on TV, but you stop because you think the elaboration was very complicated? It seems easy, but it is difficult to...

Rice with mushrooms

If you do not know what to prepare this day, we give you a very rich and practical recipe, with which you will be happy to all your guests: Rice with mushrooms.It is worth mentioning that the...

Antioxidants help you lose weight

The antioxidants are substances that have the ability to protect their cells of the effects of free radicals (molecules produced when the body degrades food or environmental exposure to smoke from...

Sweet green

Has it happened to you that you still experience sleep even after drinking coffee? To avoid this "annoying" feeling an ideal option is the vegetable milk, because in a glass you can find vitamin...


Are you looking for a recipe with oatmeal?Oatmeal is one of the richest foods in silicon, thus helping the renewal of connective tissues, its carbohydrates give energy and vitamin B1 exerts a...

Nutritious and low-fat cod

In this holiday season, one of the most requested dishes is the cod. Therefore, we present a healthy option that allows you to enjoy this dish without guilt.In addition, the fish it's very low in...


The beans belong to the group of legumes and stand out as a highly energetic food, due to its high protein content, in addition to helping to cleanse the body for its diuretic and depurative...

Lose weight with chocolate truffles

Chocolate is rich in antioxidants, which have positive effects for health and skin, but also, frequent consumption of bitter chocolate, due to having a higher concentration of cocoa, low weight...

Chilaquiles marinated 190 calories

The nopal is a fruit that specialists recommend to include in subsistence allowance low calories to lose weight, because according to an investigation of the University of Florida, contains fiber,...

Night detox

Your pants tighten you or your belly remains inflamed? Although you do not believe it, there is a water to lose weight and you can drink it every night.The detoxification of the organism helps you to...

The extra: Camarones

Pasta It is one of the most used foods that exist, both for its ease of preparation and its delicious flavor. In addition to it pasta brings different health benefits by consuming it within our...

Eggplants vs dyslipidemia

The dyslipidemia is a condition that registers abnormalities in the concentration of fats in blood (triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol), whose main affectation derives the risk of presenting...

Chocolate and orange bonbons

When you try to take a healthy diet, one of the main obstacles to not following it correctly are the cravings, especially the chocolate desserts and those tastes that you usually get.This chocolate...

Nachos with corn and rajas

One way to be prepared to celebrate the most important soccer event in the world, are the snack healthy  Cooking with foods Frozen, in addition to being quick and as delicious as fresh foods, it is...

Mustard chicken skewers

The foods have diversified in flavors, origins and textures. In Mexico there is a wide variety of dishes that combine ingredients from around the world. Example the mustard, which gives each healthy...

Light chicken burritos

Breakfast as we know is the main meal of the day, however, many times we eat the first thing we find in the refrigerator because of the short time we have to prepare a nutritious dish that also takes...

Fried zucchini with tomato coulis

Through food, the human being not only takes care of his figure, but also improves his health and well-being. For example, in this time when the change of climate causes havoc in the throat, you can...

Scrambled egg burritos

Stigmatized for years, today the benefits of the egg are diverse; example, it is an excellent source of nutrients, amino acids and antioxidants, the latter essential to prevent aging.According to an...