Keep your silhouette with lobster

In this summer vacation includes seasonal foods in your diet daily as the lobster, which provides many vitamins, minerals and proteins that help keep your health in good condition; In addition, it is...


Are you looking for a delicious dessert, but are you afraid to sacrifice your figure?We are starting a new year, for many people, one of the main purposes is to lose weight and of course maintain it....

Pitaya jellies

A study of Metropolitan Autonomous University Iztapalapa (UAM-I) reveals that pitaya properties control the levels of glucose in the blood, so it is very useful in the prevention of diabetes.The...

Oatmeal water with apple

Oatmeal is an excellent food to maintain good health, because its consumption helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, constipation, strengthens your immune system and control your...

Salad from the garden

Our diet should be rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins, and believe it or not, flowers like cress provide many benefits for our health. For example, among the properties of cress is the control...

Christmas cup of red fruits with yogurt and honey

There is nothing better than enjoying delicious desserts without the worry that you can gain weight. If you choose the right ingredients, rest assured that you will delight your palate without any...

Cream of cherries and yogurt

According to research published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism, the Cherry reduces the articulations pain and the risk of suffering decreases by 35% gout attacks.In information published in...

Delight that conquers your palate ...

Its use is considered essential in a large part of the gastronomy worldwide, but its beneficial properties for health could save your life. Garlic is a powerful anti-inflammatory, which also prevents...

Cream of lettuce with walnut

Lettuces are a very versatile vegetable because you can use them in salad, to accompany your favorite dishes, give a fresh touch to a hamburger, complement your can of tuna, prepare masks, as a snack...

Detoxify your liver!

Do you want to burn fat effectively? Then know these drinks to clean the liver at night and achieve your goal.According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver, the main detoxification...

Dietetics and diet therapy for therapeutic purposes

While the dietetics is the discipline that relates food with nutritional needs, the diet therapy it is defined as the adaptation of foods to the different metabolic and / or digestive alterations...

Asparagus cream vs overweight

The asparagus are a food that is included in most of the subsistence allowance for lose weight, thanks to its diuretic properties that help eliminate toxins and accumulated fat in the body. According...

54 calorie mint fruit cup

Peppermint is an herb that helps you slim down naturally, it is recommended to include it in the preparation of light recipes.Its depurative properties eliminate toxins and accumulated body fat,...

How long does a weight loss regimen take?

To lose weight It may be mandatory for many people. First of all the grease It can harm your organs internal, especially liver Y kidneys. The liver helps the body to digest and absorb foods, so that...

Delicious dessert…

The origin of this tuber is ancestral and its presence is part of the gastronomic history of various countries in Latin America. However, beyond its flavor, it is now known that sweet potato has...

Long sauteed carrots

Food can entertain our senses, nourish and strengthen our body, as well as a reason to meet with the people we love, since you start preparing food, until we savor them at the table, so it is well...


Little time to cook this Valentine?This recipe will help you maintain a slender figure, as its ingredients purify the body and fight the accumulation of fat in the body.According toNort Carolina...

Spinach puff pastry

Spinach is considered one of the foods with more benefits for the health of people, because in addition to having a high content of vitamins and minerals, it helps to prevent various diseases, among...


Are you looking for homemade recipes to lose weight? If your purpose for 2013 is to lose weight, know the properties of asparagus andAchieve your goal!One of the main reasons why asparagus is good...


The recipes with pumpkin flower, are delicious and nutritious, the pumpkin flower, is one of the typical foods of our country. But, What properties does the pumpkin flower provide for our...