What are the benefits of these movements?

Barbell exercises are compound movements, because you work most of your muscles, especially the dorsal and biceps. It even helps you improve the movement of the joints.

According to information published in The Huffington Post , barbell exercises are effective for people who want to stay in shape, but do not have time to perform more complex routines.


What are the benefits of these movements?

These types of movements help you feel confident with yourself and your body, but what other benefits can you take advantage of? Know them!

1.- Increase in functional strength: This type of movement improves the relationship between the nervous and muscular system, so it helps you to better perform your daily activities such as walking, pushing, pulling and turning.

2.- Improve your position: By performing the exercises with bar strengthens the back and abdominal muscles, which helps you maintain an upright posture. Even, you will give a thin and elongated appearance.

3.- Reduce back pain: When you perform these types of routines, in addition to strengthening the muscles, you reduce the tension in the neck and back, which helps reduce muscle discomfort.

4.- Burning fat: They help burn fat, define your back and biceps muscles, as well as your waist; reduce flaccidity and improve your self-esteem.


Get active!

To encourage you to practice this type of exercises with bar and enjoy the benefits, Jorge Rodríguez, the coach of Sport City, tells you how to do chin-ups:

Remember that any exercise routine should be complemented with a balanced diet and adequate hydration. Go ahead and improve your lifestyle.

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Video Medicine: The 3 Most Important Stretches For Movement (April 2024).