Take advantage of the flavor of your soups

Lovers of good cuisine consider that one of the secrets to prepare a good Soup is to take advantage of the original juices of the products (fish , meat or chicken ) with which the first broths .

With this raw material, the success of any dish is guaranteed. A gourmet French said it: "The Soup It is the great food of the poor, a joy that the rich sometimes envies him. "

The origin of the Soup it is lost in the memory of the times. In sixteenth-century France, three soups were popular: bouillabaisse, pot-au-feu and Soup of onion.

History tells that during the Napoleonic invasion of Spain, the French Marshal Junot seized the monacal recipe book and sent it to his wife, the Duchess of Abrantes.

She published it as her own and Frenchified several terms, including that of broth "consumed" of the monks, made with meat, vegetables, and spices and allowed to cook for hours to concentrate the substance as it "consumed" the water.

That's why the monks called him "consumed" without thinking that he would become the broth more elaborate and coveted of the gastronomy universal.


Spanish Cuisine

The food of Madrid enjoys good reputation. One of the favorite dishes in Spain are the cooked . This should include, on the one hand, chickpeas and vegetables, such as cabbage, potatoes and carrots; bacon, chorizo, salted pork leg and ham bone, and, thirdly, different pieces of chicken and veal.

The juice of the broths where meat and vegetables are cooked serves as the basis for a delicious Soup , well defatted, to which noodles are added. As if all this abundance was not enough, prepare a crumb filling of bread, egg, garlic and parsley.

Video Medicine: Healthy Soup - Home made delicious vegetable soup,Lose Weight with vegetable soups, (May 2024).