Connect your mind and heart with yoga

The yoga It has a broad relationship with our mind and body. The reason is that many things happen around us and we need to "do something" to help us channel our life experiences. In this sense, Anusara yoga , is one of the branches of this discipline that gives you well-being, relaxation , physical and mental strength.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Ashleigh Altman , Anusara yoga expert explains that practicing this technique allows you to achieve a connection with yourself; your mind and body work with only one purpose: to make you feel better:

"To enjoy it you need to come, take classes. You feel a connection when you practice yoga , especially the anusara . You experience it when you stretch your hands over your mat (cover), your feet on the floor, in every movement of your body. "

"With this discipline, you will feel multiple emotions in your body, so you must be focused; Sometimes posutras are very difficult, but you should not be scared, because there are instructors who are aware of you. You have to go at your pace; without pressing You need to open your mind and heart. "

In this sense, Altman affirms that the yoga It is basic to clear the mind of all the things that happen in the moment. It is a mechanism to return to the origins and be in contact with us, give us a space where we feel better and renew energy in tribute to our health:

"What you need is to open yourself to the energy, experiment and allow positive changes in your life to occur. People must take that opportunity and enjoy all the benefits it generates. "


What does it consist of?

Anusara yoga it's a strong practice of Hatha Yoga combined with Tantric philosophy, which is symbolized as a celebration of the heart. It is a Sanskrit term from the Kulanava Tantra which means "flow with grace, follow the heart".

This discipline is based on love, beauty and honesty. The idea is to be open to continuous changes and restructuring. Currently Anusara Yoga is one of the styles of yoga most popular and fastest growing in the world, with more than 1,200 affiliated teachers and 100 thousand students around the world.

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Video Medicine: Heart Chakra Yoga For Beginners | Yoga With Adriene (May 2024).