Are you looking for a recipe with oatmeal? Oatmeal is one of the richest foods in silicon, thus helping the renewal of connective tissues, its carbohydrates give energy and vitamin B1 exerts a positive action on memory. Oats also contain phosphorus, which is required for the formation of the brain and nervous system during youth.

According to Paul Pitchford , a regular speaker at theInstitute for Integrative Nutrition , some of the benefits of oats for the human body are: the restoration of the nervous and reproductive systems, strengthens the spleen, pancreas and muscles of the heart. Next in GetQoralHealth we present you a delicious dessert to benefit from the properties of oats:



(4 portions)




1 cup of strawberries (disinfected)

1 cup of mango

1 banana

4 tablespoons of oatmeal

1 L frozen yogurt

Honey or artificial sweetener



1) Peel and cut the fruit.

2) Blend the yogurt with fruit and oatmeal little by little.

3) If necessary, sweeten to taste and serve ice cream.

4) You can prepare it with the fruits of your choice.

Oats can be used in people with diabetes, hepatitis, nervous and sexual weakness, indigestion and inflammation, including abdominal pain.


Equivalences: raw oatmeal

1/3 cup provides:

Energy: 76 kcal

Protein: 5.4 g

Lipids: 2.2 g

Carbohydrates: 20.5 g

Fiber: 4.8 g

Sugar: 0.4 g

Sodium: 1.0 g

Calcium: 18.0

Remember that oatmeal can be used in soups, puddings, breads, tartlets or as decoration for cakes and desserts. And you, how do you include oats in your daily diet?

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Video Medicine: Fruit And Yogurt Smoothie (April 2024).