Light chicken burritos

Breakfast as we know is the main meal of the day, however, many times we eat the first thing we find in the refrigerator because of the short time we have to prepare a nutritious dish that also takes care of our figure.

Fortunately, there are foods that by their natural properties help to lose weight faster, for example, the peppers accelerate the metabolism and they eliminate fat thanks to the capsaicin They contain, fat burning substance that allows you slim down soon. So that you enjoy a delicious breakfast and take care of your figure, GetQoralHealth suggests the following recipe

Chicken Burritos


2 boneless chicken breasts 1 tablespoon honey 1 cucumber 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 1 bunch coriander ½ cup unsweetened natural yogurt 1 spoon yellow curry Disinfected lettuce Whole wheat or corn tortillas


1. Cook the grilled chicken and cut it into strips. When you're cooking add the honey and let it caramelize. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

2. Slice the julienne peppers and the sliced ​​peppers. Chop cilantro and diced with yogurt, curry and salt to taste. Arrange the burritos with the chicken.

Preparing this recipe does not take more than 10 minutes of preparation. Accompany with coffee or tea. Enjoy your meal!

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Video Medicine: How to make Chicken Burritos - Easy Chicken Burrito Recipe (April 2024).