Lose weight with medication

Although eating nutritious foods and a healthy lifestyle are the two main ways to lose weight, there are cases in which these two are not enough. There are people who try to lose weight using...

Lose weight with vitamin D

Many people with overweight they get fat without eating much. They make admirable attempts for slim down, but without success. The cause could be in their own fat cells, which require sufficient...

Lose weight with Metformin

Some doctors consider that people with overweight or obesity, they should take the drug Metformin as an adjuvant to slim down, because often resistance to insulin It is the culprit that some people...

Dish of good eating renews its design

For those who do not know how to follow a diet balanced or how to regulate the intake of calories In their meals, the designers Rui Pereira and Hafsteinn Juliusson created some originals dishes that...

Ask Cofepris to eliminate products to lose weight

The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) of the Federal Health Secretariat (Ssa) ordered the destruction of 30 thousand 490 units of assumptions Food supplements,...

Potassium regulates the nervous system

ThepotassiumIt is the third most abundant mineral in our body, and plays an important role in the functioning of nerves Y muscles of the body, also intervenes in the regulatory mechanism of the...

Pros and cons of the use of anabolics

In recent decades, the use of anabolics and steroids has been associated with aesthetic purposes, since they are used regularly by people who practice physical activity and without an adequate...

Proteins needed in pregnancy

The woman in pregnancy must ingest between 75 and 80 grams of proteins daily. Among the main sources of nutrition that favor this rule are cheeses, low-fat or lean meats, cooked fish, legumes, cow's...

Realities of food supplements

Knowing that the United States is the first country with more adult inhabitants with obesity Y overweight, and that Mexico occupies the second place in this field and the first in childhood obesity,...

Delays the signs of aging

Some think that the correct way to avoid the signs of aging is to apply creams on the skin. Studies have proven that this is effective but you should know that there is a better way to achieve this...

Risks of sibutramine to lose weight

It would be excellent to have a medication for slim down that is as beneficial as the Metformin (Glucofage), that does not cause palpitations like Chinese pills, diarrhea as Xenical or stomach pain...

Immune system strengthened with nutrition

The damage in nerves caused by disease or injury Can be repaired by the consumption of foods that favor the immune system Y nervous. There are many foods that contain vitamins, especially A, B, C and...

Sugar substitutes are safe for health

The scientific Comittee and the speakers of the Latin American Scientific Series affirm that there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate the safety of the Non-caloric sweeteners (ENCs), which...

Supplements do not replace food

The vitamins they are organic compounds that are found inside your body or in external sources such as food. There are vitamins: those that are fat soluble and soluble in water. The vitamins they...

Vitamin supplements and weight loss

Statistics show that more than 60% of the US population is considered overweight, and that almost half of the population is followed by diet to lose weight. It is not surprising that diets are...

Be careful with the vitamins you consume

Everyone knows that vitamins they are essential to keep us healthy. They make the body disease free. But there is a very disturbing fact about vitamins, since it is thought that certain types can...

Everything you need to know about Vitamin E

This is a fat-soluble vitamin and an antioxidant essential for the body. Vitamin E exists in eight forms, called isomers, of which four are tocopherols and the other four, tocotrienols.All isomers...

Tips to buy vitamins online

Buying vitamin supplements on the internet, you not only have access to the different supplements you need without leaving home, you also have access to important information and medical...

Your body needs vitamin A

The Vitamin A It is not a single compound, it comes in several forms and is very necessary in our body. It comes in the form of alcohol such as retinol, as well as aldehydes and in acid form, which...

Vitamin A fights measles

The Vitamin A it is essential for organism, since it helps with the training and maintenance of teeth, soft tissues Y bones; as well as the normal functioning of vision and immune systems. However,...