Realities of food supplements

Knowing that the United States is the first country with more adult inhabitants with obesity Y overweight, and that Mexico occupies the second place in this field and the first in childhood obesity, it is common to see an infinity of "magical" products that promise to make you lose weight.

The need to lose excess fat has also paved the way for various diets and special exercises. Do these dietary supplements really lead to fat loss? Here are some important facts you should know.


Pills to lose weight

The only dietary supplement for weight loss that has the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is Orlistat , which works by intervening with the body's natural process to absorb fats. However, this food supplement only works if:

1. Minimize the intake of unsaturated fats in your diet.

2. And you have patience to see the results.

It is not advisable to consume high fat foods while taking Orlistat, as it can cause various gastrointestinal problems. This is because the body loses the ability to break down fats easily. It is not a miraculous pill to lose 5% of your body weight. The supplement should be taken regularly for 3 or 4 months.

Combined with a proper diet and sufficient physical exercise, this supplement works well for the maintenance of ideal body weight.


Feel full...

Other food supplements that have shown to be efficient are those that contain polyunsaturated fatty acid, fiber and linoleic acid. These promote the feeling of being satisfied; which helps to minimize appetite and food intake.

As a result, there is a dramatic decrease in caloric intake, which prevents the absorption of fat in the body. One important thing to remember about dietary supplements is that you should ingest a sufficient amount of nutrients.

There is a risk that lack of appetite may prevent you from eating enough, which could, in the long term, lead to unnecessary nutritional deficiency.


Exaggerated advertising

When it comes to dietary supplements that promise the almost instantaneous loss of fat, there is always charlatanism. Special dietary pills and beverages that contain suspect ingredients or those that have not been scientifically proven have invaded the market.

Some are known to promote rapid weight loss, but they can also cause unpleasant side effects or work only temporarily. Many of these simply do not work, or worse are harmful.

So before making any decision, remember to consult your doctor to advise you and achieve your weight loss in a gradual, natural and without risking your health.

Video Medicine: What you need to know about DIET FANATICS and NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS (Part 1) (April 2024).