Learn to forgive

The sorry helps improve your quality of life, because it offers many benefits for the body. Living without resentment and resentment can prevent various diseases physical and mental.

According to some research, resentment and lack of forgiveness increase the blood pressure , lower the body's defenses, and encourage depression and the stress .

In addition, the energy advance of Cancer It can be interrupted when afflictions and unresolved traumas are avoided.

Specialists say that by abandoning feelings such as anger, guilt, resentment, disappointment or the desire for revenge, a huge amount of money is released. Energy .


Learn to forgive

With the goal of eliminating negative thoughts and feelings, and growing spiritually, here are some tips to learn to forgive:


  1. Rethink your judgments : Think about forgetting about all the situations, offenses and injustices that you have lived during your life, because they spend part of your mental and emotional energy. Free yourself from these ties so you can enjoy love, tolerance and joy, which will favor your well-being.
  2. Forgive yourself : Reflect a little on that nobody is totally good or bad, both you and the rest of the people react according to how they are mentally programmed, what they have learned or instilled in them. If you are tolerant of your own faults and faults of the past, if you understand and accept your psychological shadows, you will be in a better disposition to do it with others.
  3. Take out your dislike : It is preferable to externalize your anger at the moment it has been provoked, instead of saving it; however, do not exceed blind impulsiveness or unthinking anger.
  4. Detect the importance : Give each event the value it deserves.
  5. Discover the intention of the other : Finding the true motivation of your offender and the deep reasons for his behavior, will lead you to be more condescending with him and to see him as a victim of his own mistakes and shortcomings.
  6. Accept your responsibility : Recognize your share of responsibility in the matter, speak clearly and directly, avoiding misunderstandings or assumptions.

Remember that when faced with a problem, it is best to approach the other person to communicate. It is important to choose the right moment, sit down and talk calmly. Always have a conciliatory position to clarify the conflict and resolve the discussion without resentment. And you, how many times have you forgiven?

Video Medicine: (Re)learning forgiveness | Kimberly Yates | TEDxCUNY (April 2024).