This happens when you eat cinnamon on an empty stomach

It is one of the most used spices to add aroma to dishes like desserts, drinks and infusions . However, its uses go beyond the kitchen, as this ingredient has properties that help keep our body in excellent condition.

Even, the cinnamon has been used for thousands of years as a home remedy, in Egypt it was considered a jewel because few had access to it and its benefits since its price was very high.

Nowadays, it is very rare to consume it in powder , since a teaspoon could cause extreme itching in the throat, but according to the Better with Health site, if you eat it in the morning before breakfast , it will bring you amazing Benefits :


  • It will help you to purify your organism thanks to its properties they facilitate the digestion process.


  • Improve your circulation and eliminates varicose veins.


  • It can treat symptoms of arthritis .


  • If you are going through a stressful situation, it will help calm your nerves .


  • Your consumption in the morning will revitalize your body.


  • Works like antibacterial .


  • If you consume it with a little honey , may raise your defenses and eliminate body cold.


  • It will fight the fatigue in the mornings.


  • Help reduce cancer cells

its way of consumption It is very simple, because it is not advisable to eat it dry, you must moisturize it. This means that you can add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your coffee, tea or milk.

Another way could be to add to your lemon juice with warm water a little cinnamon powder.

Remember that you should consume in the morning between 20 and 30 minutes before breakfast.

We recommend that you if you are pregnant do not consume it, It is also not ideal for children under six years of age.


Tapioca with cinnamon.

Cinnamon cookies.

Cinnamon stick