If you talk asleep, maybe you have Somniloquia

The somniloquy It is a benign sleep disorder that consists of talking asleep, that is, people express monosyllables, unintelligible short words or phrases related to what they are dreaming.

People who have this condition can not establish a dialogue with someone who is awake, because their functions cerebral are not activated, he pointed Reyes Haro Valencia , Director of the Sleep Clinic of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

The people who present this parasomnia (episodic and inopportune phenomena that occur during sleep) can emit screams, cries and laughter, which last a few seconds and can be repeated several times at night.


Children are the most likely to talk asleep!

The highest incidence of this disorder is registered in children under 10 years of age; however, it is common to be detected in adolescence.

The somniloquy it is not considered as a disease, it can be generated by the consumption of psychoactive substances, fever , overexcitation and stress emotional.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Reyes Haro, director of the Sleep Clinic of the UNAM, explains the characteristics of the somniloquy .

Reyes Valencia points out that this condition, which does not require treatment, is accompanied by other parasomnias As the somnambulism , the night terrors , movements or nightmares .

And you do you think you could suffer from somnilochia?

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