Proteins needed in pregnancy

The woman in pregnancy must ingest between 75 and 80 grams of proteins daily. Among the main sources of nutrition that favor this rule are cheeses, low-fat or lean meats, cooked fish, legumes, cow's milk, eggs and soybeans.

The above data are mentioned in the book "Wonderfully pregnant", written by Lynn Huggins-Cooper, also describes that proteins will favor the training of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, skin and hair of the future baby. Proteins are the main components of each of the living cells in the maternal body and in the fetus .

Advises that during pregnancy should be avoided cheeses goat, sheep and all those that have a blue-gray color due to molds, such as Roquefort, Gorgonzola or Stilton; since they are common sources of listeria, a harmful bacterium that affects women during this stage and favors spontaneous abortions, premature babies or those who die shortly after birth.