8 benefits of kitesurf

The kitesurf it is an extreme sport that consists of sliding on the water where the wind propels a kite of traction or kite attached to the body with a harness, in this way you can navigate in the...

Do not let the weather stop you ...

Are you afraid to exercise during cold weather? Unfortunately, cold weather can discourage even the most motivated athletes. And if you are not so excited, it is very easy to store your equipment for...

Abdomen flat in 8 minutes ... Let's start!

From the beginning we knew that it would be difficult, but not impossible ... However, this is how it seems to us perform crunches for hours, days and even months without getting any results; since...

Finish off the extra chubby on your legs!

The kind of grease and disposition of it in the body, it is more frequent to find them in the hips of women than of men; they are known as chaps.Experts think that to eliminate the fatty tissue that...

9 celebrities reveal their secrets

As they get older, celebrities have some advantages when it comes to staying physically and mentally fit; however, there are some disciplines and feeding that is available to everyone.According to...

Get active and get fit with kick boxing

Moving and practicing exercise are two very different things. A physical activity is when you are in motion, while performing a sport requires perseverance, strength and discipline. When you move you...

Accelerate your metabolism with cardiovascular exercise

Apparently the people who perform cardiovascular exercise they tend to eat more calories for an hour, because their metabolism it is accelerated and they need "extra food" to get into balance.In...

Get active with your pet and lose weight!

A study carried out by the American Association of Hospitals for Animals, discovered that 92% of their patients had a better and faster recovery thanks to the relationship with their pets; However,...

Slimming with Step Fitness

If you still can not meet the purpose of lowering those extra pounds because you do not have time to go to a gym. Do not worry! You are in time to achieve it. GetQoralHealth suggests the following...

Aeorolates vs body fat

The effective results of the pilates to burn the body fat They continue to attract attention among people who want a defined and toned body. That is why some extensions of these have emerged...

Adidas in favor of the exercise in Mexico

In order to promote physical activity and the sport, Adidas Mexico organized the first soccer tournament, entitled: Young Champions 2011, which involved 32 teams from the most prestigious high...

8 tips to "love cardio"

So you can see that with me there is no excuse to serve! I present you some variations that you can make of cardiovascular exercise a training fun to help you burn calories.I know! The cardio can be...

Relieve your tension and pain with fisiopilates

As part of a sporting activity or simply in everyday actions, injuries are always present. By having them, they generate in the individual not only pain, in some cases, they can even incapacitate...

Travel safely, quickly and efficiently!

The bicycle is one of the fastest and most flexible means of transport that exists today, since in distances less than 10 kilometers it is more efficient than a car, according to the manual of the...

Blisters most common injuries when running

They may seem superficial, but if not taken care of, it means that the runner stops in a race or develops some kind of infection.A study on injuries that appeared for 12 years in the marathon of Twin...

Antidoping for the Club World Cup

The International Federation of Football Association (FIFA) will conduct pilot anti-doping controls, prior to the Club World Cup to be held in Japan from December 8 to 18, 2011. The goal is to...

Changes in skeletal muscle, the key

You have probably noticed that when you do a physical activity your mood changes. Indeed, this is one of the best options to maintain the feeling of happiness. Even recent research confirms that the...

Aquagym relaxes and reduces cellulite

The Aquagym or aquatic gymnastics is a sports technique what applies exercises own fitness in a different medium: the Water. Therefore, it is a aerobic exercise Very low impact but very effective,...

Aqua buzzes to lose weight

Do you like to dance and do not care where you are to do it? So he aqua zumba to get off weight It is the ideal activity for you. With this discipline you will forget that you are doing exercise,...

Lose weight and look sexy with Shbam

Do you want to look more sensual and thin without getting bored? Low of weight and have fun at the same time Sh'bam, a cardiovascular workout with which you can burn more than 500 calories in a...