7 things that aerobic gymnastics does for you

A sedentary lifestyle is a problem that not only influences the weight gain. This is characterized by a lack of physical activity, which aims to improve the health, appearance and self-esteem of the...

Reach the goal!

They say that even elite athletes make mistakes when preparing for a race. The absence of a training plan, the obsession to run without preparing thoroughly or the ravages of dehydration are some of...

Exercise routine

 ÜbungsroutineDie Taille Dies ist der Bereich, in dem sich oft überschüssiges Fett ansammelt Übungen Sie kümmern sich um den Umfang des letzteren, um ihm eine größere Definition und Flexibilität zu...

Achieve the figure you always dreamed ...

56.2% of Mexicans older than 18 do not do any kind of physical activity. The causes? Lack of time and money mainly, says a survey conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography...

7 mistakes when practicing cardio

Losing weight, while toning the muscles of the whole body and achieving a better physical performance, is what is regularly sought when starting a workout or routine cardiovascular exersise.The...

Play, burn calories and tone your body

30 minutes of physical activity are enough to reduce the levels of stress, depression and anxiety in your body, since it helps the release of serotonin and norepinephrine, according to a study...

1. Knees to the chest

Of all the parts of the body, the abdomen is one of the areas that accumulates more fat, for this reason is that you must perform exercises that allow you to tone the skin and thus avoid a flabby...

7 reasons to walk

A balanced diet plan and the physical activity regular are the basis of good health. Poor eating habits and physical inactivity can cause problems related to the obesity and overweight.In accordance...

7 reasons to run

Why run? There are innumerable reasons, but the number one is the benefits that this practice gives to health. Now that the busy lifestyle causes the increase of sedentary lifestyle, since the...

7 reasons to jump rope

Jumping the rope is an excellent complement in the routines of exercise. It is a very complete activity because it makes us use our legs, arms and abdomen.Unlike other types of exercise supplements,...

7 tips to run a marathon

The marathon it is an activity that needs an effort muscular prolonged and resistance body, so it is needed training, discipline Y concentration to do it. In addition, it improves your mental...

8 tips to improve your swimming technique

Swim it is one of the sports aerobics more complete. However, the technique and some tips are key, so that you practice swimming in a pleasant and professional way. Here are some tips for you to...

Essential Seasoning ...

Of the 68% of new users who register to a gym, they will not return after the third month of attending, says, José Antonio Mársico, General Director of Grupo Body Systems. Why is it so difficult to...

8 useful tips for running long distances

If you plan to start this activity we offer you 8 useful and simple tips that can help you prepare for such an exciting and beneficial experience as running long distances: Take a day off between...

8 tips for running a half marathon

Besides being an ideal mechanism to release energy and reduce levels of anxiety and stress, run half marathon It may be the ideal opportunity to prevent diseases such as cancer.According to a study...

8 ways to exercise in the water

The heat makes the realization of physical activity more complicated due to factors such as dehydration and fatigue; However, there are options, which besides being fun can be an ideal alternative to...

7 tips to exercise with hypertension

The benefits of physical activity to maintain good health are many and known. However, sometimes you may have some risks. If you have high pressureFor example, making a lot of effort can make your...

8 steps to achieve a perfect marathon

According to the magazine Sport Life, there are 8 aspects that you need to perform to guarantee the success of your sports career.1. The day before your marathon, you must hydrate for the whole day....

8 benefits of skating

If you want lose weight, shape your waist and have fun, skating is the sport you were looking for. Skating, besides being fun, helps you improve your scardiovascular avalanche and tone your legs. Do...

8 movements against fat

The lower abdomen is one of the areas of the female body that causes the most conflict, not only because of the unattractive appearance it offers, but because of the difficulty it has in burning fat...