Aquagym relaxes and reduces cellulite

The Aquagym or aquatic gymnastics is a sports technique what applies exercises own fitness in a different medium: the Water . Therefore, it is a aerobic exercise Very low impact but very effective, which does not need additional load because the water offers adequate resistance for each movement.

As therapeutic means it is an energetic medium without equal, transmits serenity , load of vigor and allows the relaxation mental and corporal. The benefits on the organism are: temperature (between 25º to 28º), which acts as relaxing , and the Pressure of water, which act as dilator vessel , they favor blood flow .

On the other hand, it helps in correcting postural : the musculature with very little effort; being a aerobic exercise , improve the breathing increases the resistance and the flexibility of movements, but above all it helps relax .

The effect of soft massage that is achieved with the movement within the water makes this a sport perfect to stimulate the reduction of cellulitis and relieve the heaviness of the legs with varicose veins .

To learn a little more about this technique, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of Gaceta Tucumán where some examples exercises :

Because of its variable intensity, this sport It can be practiced by people of all ages regardless of their physical form. In fact, it is ideal for seniors or those who have suffered a joint injury or muscular .

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Video Medicine: Aquagym marseille (April 2024).