Discover your inner child!

Our style of lifetime so hurried that we forget completely the things we like as well as the easy smiles that we can give to others, but how do those moments and our boy inside?

According to Byron Yoga Center , to find our boy Inwardly we should reflect and listen to that inner voice with the help of meditation and yoga.

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Various yogis detail that the energy stored in the body and mind, to let all the feelings and emotions that keep that inner child trapped.

Specialists detail that when you accept your inner child you honor your spirit and give yourself permission to feel and live without barriers again, because you rediscover your body and your mind . Do you want to discover yours? Check the following yoga positions.

Discover your inner child!

1. Child's pose or balasana . With this asana you renew yourself mentally and physically. With only five minutes it frees you from stress, you recover your mental perspective and rest deeply.

2. Double Balasana . It helps to relax the back muscles of tension. Also, fill your mind with positive energy.

3. Downhill dog . This posture stimulates the flow of blood throughout the body, as well as stretching the body muscles.

4. Tadasana . It makes you aware of your body, gives you inner stability and connects you with the earth.

5. Matsyasana . Helps breathing and relieves respiratory problems. It even opens the heart chakra and releases stagnant emotions.

Remember that meditation and mantras are complements that will help you find your inner child. Enjoy each experience and each night let out that little one that will fill you with pleasant moments. And you, have you recovered your inner child?

Video Medicine: The Inner Child Explained | How to Love, Guide & Heal Your Inner Child (April 2024).