Relieve your tension and pain with fisiopilates

As part of a sporting activity or simply in everyday actions, injuries are always present. By having them, they generate in the individual not only pain, in some cases, they can even incapacitate it.

Physiotherapy is a fundamental part of the rehabilitation process after an injury. It consists of a series of specialized exercises that seeks to strengthen and help in the regeneration of the affected area.

Within this area of ​​health, Pilates physio emerge, a system that encompasses the essential concept of Pilates and physiotherapy: establishing the functionality and connection of the body and mind through concentration, visualization, control, balance and strengthening of certain parts of the body.

Physio Pilates can help treat the following problems:

1. Back problems. Contractures, herniated discs and cervicalgias.

2. Soft tissue injuries. Sprains, tendonitis and muscle injuries.

3. Postural disorders. Scoliosis and kyphosis.

Among its benefits for the body are:

1. Strengthens the pelvic floor.

2. Increase bone density.

3. Relieves pain caused by hernias, lumbago, sciatica.

4. Increase strength, flexibility, coordination, postural hygiene.

This physical activity is also based on deep breathing, which not only facilitates, but also allows exercise to be more effective.

Remember, an integral health is found and comes from within. Take care of your diet and regularly do 30 minutes of exercise a day.

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Video Medicine: Yoga Moves to Relieve Tension in the Neck & Shoulders (April 2024).