Aqua buzzes to lose weight

Do you like to dance and do not care where you are to do it? So he aqua zumba to get off weight It is the ideal activity for you. With this discipline you will forget that you are doing exercise , because the dose of fun is huge.

The aqua zumba to lose weight is a combination of steps to the rhythm of Latin music, with all the benefits of exercises aquatic, that is, improve your physical conditioning, your cardiovascular system, tone your body, burn calories and it leaves you with a positive mood.

According to the web portal of Zumba fitness , the activity known as "pool party" is full of exercises of stretching, movements in a circle, screams, laughter and whistles, as you can see in the following video:

Experts say that aqua buzzes to lose weight is a full body workout that burns the grease body and is a good option to stay in shape, without doing the typical exercise .

In addition, the buoyancy of water helps you support your weight body, eliminate the stress and the impact on the joints, as well as to increase your flexibility, increase your muscular endurance. It is recommended for people who want to burn calories and for those who recover from injuries Muscular And you, would you like to practice aqua zumba to lose weight and enjoy a good dance?

Video Medicine: Get Flat Abs With This Pool Workout | Class FitSugar (May 2024).