Forget about asthma with yoga

The breathing exercises that are practiced in yoga , could help the sick of asthma mild to reduce the use of inhalers or low doses of drug .

Theasthma it is a chronic disease of respiratory system which is characterized by having hyperreactive airways.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Claudia Canales de Meza, mother of an asthmatic patient, tells us about the quality of life, after treatment for this condition:

Researchers from the Respiratory Medicine Unit of the University of Nottingham, agree that more studies should be done on ways to improve control of the breathing, they say, have been ignored by Western medicine.

While the practitioners of yoga have long believed in the benefits of breathing exercises pranayama, for people with asthma, this has been difficult to study formally.

However, with a device that regulates slow breathing in the user, it can mimic breathing exercises pranayama.

Two exercises pranayama simulations were tested: slow breathing Y deep exhalation for twice the time of breathing.


Medical advances

At asthma , the respiratory tract They have difficulty breathing. This is growing in the United Kingdom, with more than 3 million children and adults affected, and 2 thousand deaths per year.

The doctors used standard clinical tests to measure patients' air volume and test the irritability of the airways. After the yoga , their airways were 2 times less irritable.

Although patients with asthma they should not stop their medication, they should experiment and combine their treatment with exercise breathing of yoga .

Video Medicine: The 4 minute remedy to stop Asthma attacks naturally (May 2024).