Falling in love causes euphoria

When we experience that pleasant sensation at the beginning of engagement call infatuation, Maybe it's not love, it's just euphoria. Recent multidisciplinary studies indicate that it could be a feeling of reward created by our primitive brain, which is also activated in similar cases motivated by eating or drinking water according to publications of the Journal of Neurophysiology portal.

During the investigations, they were used magnetic resonance in voluntary people, where they studied how their brains responded when they were shown the photo of their "lover or lover" in contrast to photographs of friends or well-known people. The results revealed that when they looked at the image of their newest partner, their brain activated in the nerve center associated with the reward system.

The emotions result from the activity of the nervous system and are necessary for survival of the individual, according to publications of the National Polytechnic Institute. This mechanism has developed possibly from the evolution of mammals to choose the couple of their preference.

The results of the studies varied according to the cases of each participant, for example, those who had been in love for more than 8 months had greater activity in the cortical area related to the cognition and the emotions.

It is concluded that when we are in love, we are in a state of motivation by the other person, which is translated at a biological level in greater concentration by the "object of affection" through the reward system , which subsequently activates other sensations in the brain.

This operation will have an important influence on the social behavior that have reproductive and genetic consequences.