Do not let the weather stop you ...

Are you afraid to exercise during cold weather? Unfortunately, cold weather can discourage even the most motivated athletes. And if you are not so excited, it is very easy to store your equipment for the cold and necessary care for the training skin, along with warm weather clothing.


Do not let the weather stop you ...

With these tips to exercise during cold weather, you can stay fit, motivated and warm.

1. Security Almost everyone can exercise safely during cold weather. But if you have certain conditions, such as asthma or heart problems, consult your doctor before starting any routine with this weather.

2. Dress in layers. One of the biggest mistakes you can make when exercising in cold weather is dressing too hot. The exercise generates a considerable amount of heat - enough to make you feel as if it is much hotter than it really is. Dress in layers that can be removed as soon as you start to sweat and then put on again when necessary. Avoid cotton that usually keeps moisture.

3. Protect your hands, feet and ears. When it's cold, blood flow is concentrated in the core of your body, leaving your hands and feet vulnerable to frostbite. Try to use a pair of thin gloves. Put them on before your hands get cold and then take them off when they start to sweat.

4. Pay attention to weather conditions and wind chill . Exercising when it's cold or raining can make you more vulnerable. If you get soaked, you may not be able to keep your body temperature high enough that it can be dangerous. If the temperature drops below 0 F (-17.8 C) or the thermal sensation is extreme, consider taking a break.

5. Choose an appropriate equipment. If it is night when you exercise outdoors, wear reflective clothing. To stay firm on your feet, choose footwear with enough traction to prevent falls, especially if it is ice or snow.

6. Remember sunscreen. It is as easy to burn with the sun in winter as in summer. Use a sunscreen that blocks UVA and UVB rays and has an SPF of at least 30.

7. Drink a lot of liquid. What do you need to stay well hydrated when exercising in cold weather, just as you do when exercising in warm weather. Drink water or sports drinks before, during and after your workout, even if you're not really thirsty.

8. Know the symptoms of freezing. Freezing is more common on exposed skin, such as the cheeks, nose and ears, but it can also occur on the hands and feet. The first signs are numbness, lack of sensitivity or a stinging sensation

These tips can help in a safe and fun way, to exercise when the weather turns cold. But by exercising during cold weather, you continually monitor how your body feels to help prevent injuries such as frostbite.

Video Medicine: Lumb Falls Landscape Photography - Don't Let Bad Weather Stop You! (May 2024).