5 benefits of kissing

Kissing is always special and comforting, no matter the type of kiss. However, besides being pleasant, kissing well improves your Health . Recent studies have shown that kissing well helps your cardiovascular health and it even helps you lose weight . Do you want to know more benefits of the kiss? Keep reading.

1. Kissing well helps fight the pain The more passionate he is, the more endorphins are released, therefore, the kiss has an effect similar to a dose of morphine .

2. The saliva that is generated in a good clean kiss teeth and decreases the bacterial plaque that usually forms in the gums . Kissing well helps prevent cavities .

There is no excuse to refuse a kiss! Learn more benefits in the following video:

3. A passionate kiss exercises more than 30 muscles of the face and keeps them toned. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines.

4. It is proven that an intense kiss helps you slim down . The specialists claim that you can burn up to 12 calories per minute every time you give and receive this type of kisses.

5. Kissing well decreases the stress , the tension and the anxiety , which improves your general welfare state and elevates your self esteem .

Do not resist a good session of kisses! Enjoy love while improving your Health .

Video Medicine: 10 Health Benefits of Kissing (April 2024).