Changes in skeletal muscle, the key

You have probably noticed that when you do a physical activity your mood changes. Indeed, this is one of the best options to maintain the feeling of happiness. Even recent research confirms that the exercise it works like a antidepressant .


With the exercise physical are generated changes at skeletal muscle system that help to expel from the blood a substance that accumulates because of the stress and they are known to be harmful to the brain, "he explains. Jorge Ruas , researcher of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institute .


Changes in skeletal muscle, the key

According to a study of Karolinska Institute , the exercise increases in the skeletal muscle the PGC-1A1 protein and the KAT enzymes, which convert kynurenine (substance formed during stress) in kynurenic acid . This last substance is not able to pass from the blood to the brain and works as a mechanism of protection againstdepression .


It is possible that this finding leads to finding a pharmacological treatment to alleviate the depression . The key is in the function of these substances at skeletal muscle instead of going to the brain, "he says. Ruas .

With the exercise biochemical changes are generated on the skeletal muscle which in turn cause an effect of detoxification that protects brain of the depression , as well as low moods.

Video Medicine: Muscles, part 1 - Muscle Cells: Crash Course A&P #21 (May 2024).