Red meat increases risk of stroke in women

Women they eat a lot Red meat are at greater risk of having a heart attack , concludes a new study in more than 30 thousand Swedish women carried out by the Institute Karollinska in Stockholm, Sweden.

Those women who eat at least 100 grams of Red meat up to date, are 42% more likely to suffer a heart attack due to an obstruction in the Blood flow that reaches the brain , compared to women who eat less than 25 grams daily Red meat, the study reports.

The subsistence allowance with a lot of red meat in their diet have been associated for years with the risk of sufferingcoronary diseases, increased risk of developing certain types of Cancer, Y high blood pressure. However, this study focuses on the risk of the woman to suffer a heart attack.

There are many mechanisms that could explain the association of eat red meat Y red meat processed with the risk of having a heart attack. The iron containing red meat could accelerate the production of free radicals causing damage in the tissues.

The Dr. Susana Larsson, leader of the study, noted that processed meats also have high levels of sodium , which can increase the blood pressure.

Source: Reuters news agency

Video Medicine: Red Meat: How much is Too Much- Thomas DeLauer (April 2024).