Mouth cancer generated by tobacco and alcohol

Addiction to tobacco and to alcohol it generates diverse health problems, which can be controlled during the life of the human being; however, one of the most dangerous that is registered is the mouth cancer , in accordance with Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

In individuals who smoke more than five cigarettes or drink more than three glasses of alcohol per day, the risk of contracting this serious condition is nine times greater, says the doctor. Francisco Gallegos Hernández , boss of Department of Tumors of the Head, Neck and Skin of the Oncology Hospital of the National Medical Center (CMN) Siglo XXI .

However, the doctor said that the accumulation of Dentobacterial plaque it is another cause of the appearance of pathology; by not having an adequate oral hygiene they stay attached carcinogenic substances that generate disease .

The expert emphasizes that this type of neoplasia (process of abnormal multiplication of cells in a tissue or organ ) affects lips, gums, floor of the mouth, tongue, palate and cheek mucosa (inner cheeks), as well as various head and neck areas.

The oncologist reports that the number of men suffering from this type of Cancer is greater than women, that is, for each lady there are two men with the disease . People with more than 50 years suffer it regularly.

He mentions that it is important to detect the condition in the early stages, to prevent injuries tumor in the oral cavity advance to the interior of the organism. Among the symptoms generated by the mouth cancer they find each other:

  1. Injuries or ulcers pale color
  2. Problems chewing
  3. Swallowing pain
  4. Speech difficulties
  5. Inflammation of the lymph nodes
  6. Lingual problems
  7. Weightloss

To treat the condition, biopsies , the radiotherapy and the chemotherapy . To prevent it, doctors recommend leading a healthy life that includes exercise daily, feeding balanced and zero addictions .

Are you addicted to cigarettes and alcohol?

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