5 signs of bipolar disorder

The affective disorders and mood are often difficult to identify because of the great variety that exists. But nevertheless, health.com published with the help of the professor of psychiatry Carrie...

90% of cases of fibromyalgia are suffered by women

Fibromyalgia is a Frequent rheumatic disease that has to do with emotional disturbances, mainly with the stress that disability can cause in the person who suffers it."It is a disease that occurs to...

Alcohorexia is a fashionable eating disorder

The alcohorexia, a eating disorder very fashionable among women under 30 years old that combines anorexy with the alcoholism, is to stop eating to drink alcohol and not gain weight.According to...

Increased cases of eating disorders in men

The cases of eating disorders in mens have increased alarmingly in recent years. Only in Mexico the percentage from the year 2000 to date increased from 5% to 15%, compared to the 6 million people...

Britney Spears improves adolescent self-esteem

For several decades the images of artists with sculptural bodies, such as Britney Spears, have generated a low self-esteem among adolescents of 10 and 11 years of age, who can achieve the same...

Psychological causes of anorexia

Anorexia is an eating disorder derived from a deep obsession with body image, being thin and the fear of gaining weight. Adolescents who suffer from anorexia are constantly concerned about the amount...

Cluster headache or migrainous neuralgia

Also known as migrainous, Horton or Cluster neuralgia, this pain affects one side of the head and can cause tearing and nasal congestion. Scientists do not know exactly what causes cluster headaches...

Compulsive buyers, how to treat their addiction

It is not just about spending for spending. The impulse goes beyond. It is an unreflective and irrepressible act. Experts from the Therapeutic Assistance Center of Barcelona (CAT) say that this is a...

Attack as a team

Are you of habits sedentary and yesterday was your first day in the fitness center? It's 99% likely that today your body hurts because you're just not used to it. The same goes for someone who...

When eating habits affect daily life

The compulsive eater syndrome It is defined by consuming a large amount of food, without having any control over what is eaten and is done relatively quickly. According to data from Comedores...

Winter depression is treated with light therapy

During the change of seasons, some people may experience significant changes in mood. They may start to sleep a lot, have low energy, crave eating sweet or salty foods, or may even feel depression....

Demi Lovato enters rehabilitation center

Demi lovato, the teenage singer who would open the concerts of the tour of the Hermanos Jonas has decided to stop his tour with the 3 vocalists to get into a treatment to improve their physical and...

Damage caused by Alzheimer's starts being young

There is evidence showing that changes in the myelin In some young people it could increase the risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease, so experts suggest starting research to look for early...

Emotional costs of cancer

Psycho-oncology focuses on research in various ways to achieve face an oncological disease, the factors that influence it and the psychotherapeutic strategies that are useful to improve the quality...

Eating disorders indicate mental problems

In one of the longest studies of its kind, it was revealed that the binge eating, or compulsive eating, is the most prevalent disorder among young people, followed by bulimia and anorexia, the...

Diego Fernández with possible Stockholm syndrome

Isabel Miranda de Wallace I declare that Diego Fernández de Ceballos could be presenting symptoms of Stockholm syndrome after the recent return after his kidnapping, publishes the newspaper...

Eradicate sexist ideals in the media

Mexico DF. (CIMAC) .- Adolescent women, who undergo restrictive diets, have 18 times more risk of suffering from bulimia or anorexia, eating disorders that are related to the identification of...

Facebook can generate depression in young people with low self-esteem

The "depression by Facebook"It can affect teenagers with problems of self esteem who usually obsess about being connected to Internet For a long time, experts warn in a new study published by the...

Post-traumatic stress increases in soldiers

Repeated military deployments result in post-traumatic stress disorder, which makes soldiers 6 times more likely to commit suicide.Former military man Ethan McCord talks about how he remembers the...

7 tips to overcome insomnia

Người ta thường tin rằng rất dễ phát hiện một người chán nảntốt, chúng tôi có kỳ thị rằng cô ấy nên buồn, hốc hác hoặc khóc liên tục.Tuy nhiên, điều này là sai, bởi vì những người phải chịu đựng điều...