20% of Mexican women are single mothers

According to the Mexican researchersMaría Antonieta Barragán Lomelí YMonica León , authors of the book "Children yes, husband no, a new family alternative", in Mexico there are around 10 million single mothers , which constitutes 20% of the more than fifty million women living in the country.

Figures provided by theNational Population Council (Conapo) indicate that in Mexico one out of every five women of the younger generations (under 30 years of age) starts their firstpregnancy being single

At the same time, at least half of the women inreproductive age in the country they educate their children alone: ​​11% for divorce, 17% for widowhood, 12% for abandonment of men, and the remaining 60% for being single mothers.

In addition, it is estimated that 80% of women who undergo a procedure ofinsemination assisted in Mexico, are single and without a partner, who seek a child throughdonated semen .

Regardless of how lonely a woman is during herpregnancy , there are premises that must become law in these circumstances. The first one is that you are no longer you, but you (you and your baby), but both are governed during this stage by what are yourdecisions .

For example, if you decide to smoke, you will be smoking for both and if you decide to have a healthy life, it also impacts both. The medical controls and a healthy life is the best thing you can do in this stage together with a positive attitude that will turn your child into a physically and spiritually healthy person.

Basic care

During thepregnancy It is especially important that you take care of yourself and you consent to a lot. You will receive advice from all over the world about what you should and should not do; however, eachpregnancy It is different and each woman is different.

You must be in contact with your doctor and make punctual revisions that correspond to you during thepregnancy . There are some basic care to which you should pay special attention:

Nutrition. You must bear in mind that during thepregnancy , mom is eating for two or more. It is not the time, therefore, to skimp on calories or to getdiet .

During apregnancy Normal always tends to get fat and you do not have to worry about it. On the other hand, it is not advisable to abandon and abuse fatty foods, sweets or junk food.

It is important to try to maintain adiet balanced with fruits, vegetables and cereals or wholemeal bread. Some doctors advise to make several daily meals in which the future mother should not eat large quantities, as well as avoid the big binge and the excessive distance between food and food.

Another important recommendation is not to eat raw or unprepared meats, sausages or semi-cooked meats. Whenever meat is eaten, it must be well cooked. It is also important to thoroughly wash all the fruit and vegetables that are going to be consumed.

The contribution ofcalcium additional is important for pregnant women, so it must be added to thediet daily milk and milk products, enriched orange juice, broccoli, sardines or other foods rich in calcium. It is also essential the intake of abundant liquids (at least eight glasses of water a day). Many medical specialists recommend adding a supplement of folic acid to avoid malformations ofneural tube (spina bifida) of the baby.

The supplement must be given one month before conception and during the first three months ofpregnancy . It is also a good idea to reduce the consumption of substances such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate. Miscarriage has been linked to the ingestion of large amounts of caffeine.

Physical exercise. It is recommended during allpregnancy and preferably it isexercise low-impact physical activity, the most indicated beingswimming and walk. You can also practice others likeyoga or tennis, but in case of feeling fatigue excessive, shortness of breath ordiscomfort , the intensity and rhythm of theexercise in question. It is advisable to make frequent stops in the practice of any sport during thepregnancy

TheKegel exercises "Help strengthen and prepare themuscles of the pelvic cavity for theBirth . The simplest way to learn to control them is by interrupting and releasing the flow of urine duringurination . Once the mechanism is identified and learned, it can be put into practice by simply sitting on a chair.

The dream. It is important to take care of it in a special way; you should try to sleep as much as possible. As the abdomen goesdilating , it will be more difficult to find a position that allows you to sleep comfortably. Therefore, the future mother should try to rest lying on the left side as much as possible.

Sleeping on this side displaces theuterus so that it does not compress the great vessels (theaorta artery and the vena cava). This optimizes blood flow to theplacenta and, therefore, the baby. It also helps preventinflammation of the legs of the mother.

The care, pampering, medical care and preparation for a happy delivery will show you that you are not alone in this.

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