All perception is a projection

We are practically visual beings, 90% of the information is received by the eyes. And the other 10% is divided into the four remaining senses, with the smell being one of the strongest. So your senses influence the projection of your reality.

This is really alarming because we do not even have the ability to see, just see. What we usually do is to project our history on the outside, or what is important to us.

For example, if for a person it is very important to image, what you check from the outside is how everyone looks. If what matters is the weight is checking who is fat and who is not, or if what matters is their baldness, is seeing everyone's head. That is why it is said that if you crash, you check.

Actually, what we see outside are our beliefs and our projected mental state. It is easier to change our beliefs and so our point of attention, to change the outside, which is a projection of what we have thought.

This is why each of us perceives a different reality, even if we are in the same place, everyone sees their ideas projected.

In this sense, for example, if a person believes that Mexico City is an unsafe and hostile place, his perception will be as he imagines it, seeing aggression and violence outside, unlike a person living in a city where He believes it is a wonderful place with a lot to do, places to go and diversity.

In this way, we can realize how the reality of each one is formed and projected through the thoughts.

Remember that yours is the opportunity to identify what you do not like, change your way of thinking and transform your reality, instead of waiting for everything to change.

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Video Medicine: Perception is Projection: Creating Your World The Way You Want It (May 2024).