Stress generates eating disorders

The stress, the lack of identification of hungry or satiety and choking with some food can cause a eating disorder in children, which, when prolonged, generates low height and weight for age, or...

Evolution of bulimia nervosa

The appearance of bulimia nervosa In susceptible patients, it is usually associated with the interaction of food, weight and personal image. It has always been a constant argument about whether the...

Psychological factors of anorexia nervosa

Who have a tendency to develop an attack of depression, or even those who have a low self esteem, can develop the disorder of the anorexia nervosa as a reaction to the current psychological...

Failed 90% of treatments for obesity

The obesity It is one of the main public health problems in Mexico. We are the first world country with obese people in adulthood and the second in minors.This situation is alarming, since the...

Photos: 8 characteristics of people suffering megarexia

The megarexia it's a kind of eating disorder which refers to people who suffer obesity, but that by a distortion of their body scheme they see themselves as thin and healthy ", defines Jaime...

13 celebrities against anorexia and bulimia

The addiction to diets, the obsession to lose weight and look like magazine models, coupled with low "self-esteem" and "comparisons" are some of the factors that trigger anorexia and obesity....

Ellen West joins with Curves vs anorexia and bulimia

Thông thường khi chúng ta có triệu chứng của bệnh, chúng ta có thói quen xấu là kéo dài thời gian đến bác sĩ, có lẽ do thiếu thời gian hoặc vì chúng ta tin rằng với thứ gì đó trong tủ thuốc của nhà...

Emotional gula affects mainly women

The gluttony it is defined as the intake of large amounts of food, without having appetite real, but for "emotional hunger", As the experts call it. In that disorder there is a compulsive behavior...

Identify anorexia nervosa

The anorexy is one of the most common eating disorders among adolescents and young people, due to the social pressure that exists to look good, to promote the idea that being thin is synonymous with...

Identify eating disorders

Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, the bulimia and the eat compulsively They have been studied exhaustively in the last 30 years.The following are the main characteristics of eating disorders...

Initiates campaign in favor of healthy eating habits

In order to generate awareness about eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, this Tuesday, November 30, the Foundation Ellen West, launches the campaign: "Anorexia and Bulimia are Difficult...

The various faces of the disorder called anorexia

The term anorexy comes from a Greek word that means the loss of appetite. It is characterized by having little appetite or an active suppression caused by a psychological illness.There is a big...

Heartbeats predict anorexia

Listen to your own heartbeats, would allow a person to discover if he / she is susceptible to suffer a Eating Disorder (TAC), especially anorexia, according to researchers from the Department of...

Lipofobia obsessive fear of getting fat

74% of adolescents in Mexico are dissatisfied with their body image, so that more than 60% of them start some kind of diet from an early age.In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Rodrigo León, doctor...

Achieve a healthy relationship with food

The connection that exists between food and emotions is so close that sometimes the mishandling of these causes people to fall into certain disorders or sufferings. A health expert tells you how to...

Lupita Jones ambassador against anorexia

The national director of Nuestra Belleza México, Lupita Jones, affirmed its social commitment to bring down Eating Disorders that takes the lives of thousands of young people in our country.In an...

Manifestation of emotional disorders

The pressure to look good to others tends to lead some individuals to dangerous territories in order to maintain or achieve a beautiful body.At present it is not exclusive to women, nowadays, men are...

More than 60% of Mexican women die

Did you know that 65% of women in Mexico are constantly subjected to subsistence allowance to lose weight ?, revealed a study carried out by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) The...

Alternative methods to lose weight

With the extensive and colorful history of weight loss alternatives, many strategies have emerged, although not all have acquired the popular fame of the South Beach Diet or the doctor's Atkins....

Skeleton model causes controversy in advertising campaign

The British clothing chain Topshop has caused a scandal in London, due to the spread of the image of a skeletal model to promote on its website its clothing and accessories line, entitled: Prim and...