Finish these habits!

People happy They live longer and are healthier, so it's important to maintain joy and positive thoughts in life, researchers say. Harvard .


However, there are some habits They take away your happiness and affect the welfare and health of people, so we must eradicate or change them for positive actions, says the writer Hannah Sentenac .

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Finish these habits!

1. Compare yourself with others . In some part of life it is inevitable to compare yourself with other people. Accept yourself as you are, each human being is unique and have their own qualities.

2. Obsess with your appearance . It is impossible to be happy if you do not like your body, remember that the appearance is the least that you should worry, better take care of your interior.

3. Judge . These criticisms are a reflection of how you feel on the inside. Analyze the good and bad things to change them in you. In case you need to criticize something, do it constructively.

4. Imitate behavior . The worst thing you can do is perform the activities that other people do, without a common goal. Choose the things that make you happy and practice them, but never by imitation.

5. Do not listen to your intuition . That voice that is inside you rarely makes mistakes, so listen to your thoughts and act according to how you think it is right.

6. Be addicted to the media . Unfortunately there is always bad news in our environment. Therefore, it is better to limit the time you are exposed to television, computer, radio and newspapers.

7. Compulsive shopping. This behavior distracts you from what is really worthwhile, because it covers emotions and gives you a passing happiness that can turn into sadness.

By avoiding these habits you will notice that your life becomes more positive, in addition, if you keep a smile on your face you will have better health and the people around you will also have a positive behavior.

Another way to maintain happiness In your life is to have a balanced diet, exercise and put into practice something that you like to read a book or listen to your favorite music, to eliminate stress. And you, how do you bring happiness to your life?

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