Identify eating disorders

Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa , the bulimia and the eat compulsively They have been studied exhaustively in the last 30 years.

The following are the main characteristics of eating disorders according to the research carried out in the text: DSM and ICD-10. (Eating Disorders by Mario Maj, Katherine Halmi, Juan José López-Ibor and Norman Sartorius).

Anorexia nervosa : The person refuses to keep the weight in a normal range; there is a fear of getting fat; they lose a lot of weight; They wear loose clothes and sometimes women have amenorrhea, that is, there is no menstrual period for several months.

Therefore, they register an excessive weight loss and in a very short time; they avoid food; they develop an endocrine imbalance; They resist eating and are usually isolated people.


Bulimia nervosa

They have recurring episodes of binge eating; the vomit is provoked; use of excessive laxatives, diuretics and enemas; fasting and exercise in excess, to prevent weight gain.

People with bulimia they have binge eating; they do it at least twice a week in a minimum period of three months.

In them persists the concern for food and compulsion or craving for eating . They fear to gain weight. Therefore, it is necessary that any person who presents a eating disorder go with an expert in the field to overcome this disease.

Video Medicine: Eating disorder signs and symptoms (April 2024).