Emotional gula affects mainly women

The gluttony it is defined as the intake of large amounts of food , without having appetite real, but for "emotional hunger ", As the experts call it. In that disorder there is a compulsive behavior characterized by ingesting foods to hidden .

To know about disorder, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of Marcela Arzaluz , nutritional coordinator of the Ellen West Foundation , in which he explains the main characteristics of the compulsive eaters :

For a person to be diagnosed with gluttony , must manifest at least two of the following symptoms:

1. Frequent eating episodes excessive amounts food. 2. Frequent feeling of not being able to control what and how much is eaten. 3. Eat much faster than normal. 4. Eat until you are uncomfortably full. 5. Eat large amounts of food, even without feeling hungry . 6. Eat alone for shame. 7. Feel depression and grief after a binge . 8. Frequent changes in weight and height. 9. Feel low self esteem . 10. Losing the sexual desire . 11. Do subsistence allowance frequently.

Major complications of TA many times they are a consequence of the obesity . These complications include: diabetes , hypertension , high cholesterol , Heart problems Y spleen , shortness of breath, reduced body mobility, fatigue and disorders of dream .

This disorder, which occurs mainly in the female population, It is a serious problem that can be solved by following the appropriate treatment: psychotherapy , medicines, supervision of a specialist in nutrition and group and / or family therapy.

The main recommendation of the experts for those who suffer it, is to consult a specialist to attack the problem from the root, its cause. You can overcome the habit of eating too much learning to eat healthy.

Theeat suddenly more than the bill does not mean that you sufferDisorder byBinge . There are bad habits, specific in people who suffer from this disorder, which cause serious health problems. Many people eat more when they have psychological problems; for example, when feeling alone , sad or stressed .


Video Medicine: The Power of Motivation: Crash Course Psychology #17 (April 2024).