Lipofobia obsessive fear of getting fat

74% of adolescents in Mexico are dissatisfied with their body image, so that more than 60% of them start some kind of diet from an early age.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Rodrigo León, doctor in Health Psychology of the Eating disorder (TCA), comments:

"Girls and boys between 6 and 9 years old have modified their weight loss habits. Girls have done it in 50% and boys in 30%. This figure is alarming; from small begin to have an alimentary disorder ".

In this sense, the Coordinator of the TCA of the Foundation Ellen West, indicates that this is caused by the Lipophobia , an uncontrollable fear of gaining weight:

"Although we do not have exact numbers about how many people experience this obsessive fear of not gaining weight, it is estimated that three quarters of the population have an irrational fear of gain weight and we started noticing this from 6 years of age. "

According to León Hernández, lipophobia begins to grow more in Mexico, due to the social pressure that exists to have a extremely svelte figure :


Characteristics of Lipophobia

1. It occurs from childhood. From 7 years.

2. Girls and boys are afraid to gain weight.

3 . They define people with obesity or overweight as dirty, stupid and unsuccessful.

4. Individuals with lipofobia They believe that thin people are smart, successful and happy.

5. They take care of what they eat. That is to say, restrict calories of very greasy products or with high caloric index.

6. Sometimes, they skip breakfast or spend a lot of time without eating, to "try" not to gain weight, but this will only cause illnesses, since breakfast is basic to not gain weight and have an optimal performance of daily activities .



Higher risk at 11 years

The doctor in psychology affirms that it is from the age of 11 when there is a greater risk of developing a food disorder .

León Hernández, indicates some of the factors that influence the presence and development of Eating Disorders , as the anorexy Y bulimia :

1. Parents obsessive .

2. Mothers who are continuously diet .

3. Parents perfectionists .

4. Low self-esteem .

5 . Aggressive family and / or dysfunctional .