Night life!

Not enough rest is closely related to the development of chronic diseases degenerative diabetes , the anxiety and the obesity. This is because the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) rise, which can generate alterations in the body's immune system. But nevertheless, Sleep a little Can not it be totally bad?

According to an investigation of the London School of Economics , the night owls have a intelligence quotient above average, and this may be because they are better adapted to the rhythm of current times, which require an alteration of the circadian cycles (time for sleep) .


Night life!

Satoshi Kanazawa , leader of the study, indicates that people who like a more nocturnal life are more orderly and less likely to develop personality disorders such as depression or addictions.

This relationship between sleeping little and intelligence arises from the ability of the human being to adapt to new needs. The time of dream In a person begins as the sunlight goes out, because by nature we are diurnal animals. In this phase the body enters "saving" mode: the body temperature goes down and stops being alert, which decreases the reflexes.

In the case of "nightlife" people, this Cicardian rhythm is longer, that is, the periods of dream and they feel the need to go to bed later, around two in the morning.

Also, in general, they are more productive and creativity past midnight. If they are forced to wear very morning rhythms and get up early, they are likely to go through periods of drowsiness excessive and have a hard time starting in the morning.

However, not everything is beneficial, since those who sleep little are prone to respond irrationally and are generally unreliable in their behavior.

According to a study published by the magazine Sleep lack of sleep can generate stress and alter the immune system . Rest is essential for the proper functioning of the organism, take care!

Video Medicine: Nightlife Web Series | Season 3 | Episode 4 "The Money Moves" (May 2024).