Initiates campaign in favor of healthy eating habits

In order to generate awareness about eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, this Tuesday, November 30, the Foundation Ellen West, launches the campaign: "Anorexia and Bulimia are Difficult Problems to See".

The intention of the Foundation Ellen West is that it is seen in public places in different cities of Mexico. Some of the public figures participating in this campaign are: Lupita Jones, Inés Gómez Mont, Yordy Rosado, Paola Núñez, Adriana Louvier, Federica and Max Villegas.

10 ways for your body

According to the Foundation Ellen West, there are several techniques for people to accept their body and avoid falling into various eating disorders that end with the lives of millions of people:

  1. Begin to Become aware of what your body You can do every day. Remember that this is just an instrument of your life, not just an ornament.
  2. Choose to find beauty in the world and in yourself.
  3. Think about the things you could do with the time and energy you use to worry about your appearance .
  4. Every morning when you get up, thank your body for the rest that will allow you to enjoy each day. Count your blessings, not your mistakes.
  5. Make a list of 10 positive things about yourself, Not to mention the appearance. Add often more qualities to your list.
  6. Put on each mirror a sign that says: "I am beautiful inside and out".
  7. Consider this: you skin It regenerates every month, your stomach every 5 days, your liver every 6 weeks and your bones every 3 months.
  8. Connect with people who recognize your strength and inner beauty.
  9. Be a friend of your body and help it; He is not your enemy.

The appointment for the presentation: "Anorexia and Bulimia are Difficult Problems to See", this Tuesday, November 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the Museum of Mexico City, located in Pino Suarez. No. 30. Col. Centro Histórico.

Video Medicine: A Mother's Struggle with Eating Healthy (May 2024).