Identify anorexia nervosa

The anorexy is one of the most common eating disorders among adolescents and young people, due to the social pressure that exists to look good, to promote the idea that being thin is synonymous with success, work and sentimental triumph.

There are several types of anorexia, among them, the nervous one where people eat very few solids, prefer to drink water, chew gum and exercise excessively in order to lose weight.

Red foci of anorexia  

1. Weigh less than 15% of your ideal weight.

2. Restrict the amount of food.

3. Despite being thin people, they live obsessed with the calories they eat.

4. In the case of women, they have irregular menstrual cycles.

5. Constant use of laxatives, diuretics and pills to lose weight.

6. Dry or yellowish skin; feeling sad and depressed

7. Constipation, anemia and sometimes your joints are swollen.

According to specialists in health and eating disorders, these are just some characteristics of anorexia nervosa. However, professional advice is always required to save lives.

Video Medicine: Eating disorder signs and symptoms (April 2024).