Schedule yourself and get up early

For some people having to wake up early is a great effort, and they are accused of being lazy. However, recent studies conducted by Jean Matheson, specialist in sleep disorders, indicate that...

Make a budget

It is said that a right of workers is to take a few days of break; However, we must always be on the lookout for the money I dont know run off between the hands when enjoying those holidays, whether...

Most common sleep disorders

Sleep disorders are one of the most common affectations among people today, because, among other factors, they are linked to bad habits of life in general.Not sleeping the right hours has many...

What are sleep disorders?

The Sleep disorders they are problems that alter the different stages and the natural expression of sleep, that is, abnormal behaviors during rest, as difficulty to reconcile the dream, stay asleep...

Biological clock regulates the sleep cycle

The cells of the brain they form human biological clock, which plays a fundamental role in the regulation of sleep cycle.The investigatorRaúl Antonio Aguilar Roblero, with the support of...

Natural remedies against insomnia

Insomnia is the lack of dream at the time of sleep; in fact, it is considered as the difficulty to start the dream. The truth is that this difficulty can take several forms, from not being able to do...

Cold worsens snoring and increases sleep apnea

With the arrival of cold the respiratory diseases increase, but not only that, it can also worsen disorders such as snoring and the Sleep apneaDr. Reyes Haro Valencia, director of the Mexican...

Snoring is more common in menopause

 Women who experience the stage of menopause tend to sleep less, as revealed by the 2005 Sleep Survey in America, from the American Dream Foundation (NSF, for its acronym in English). And it is that...

Snoring, sign of illness?

60% of adult men snore habitually while they sleep, while 40% of older women also snore, according to a study conducted by the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), so it is...

Health at the holiday bridge

Enjoy the family on the bridge holiday It is an experience that should be exploited to the fullest. The whole family, especially parents of minors, must be prepared to pass a good moment guaranteeing...

This happens if you sleep less than six hours ...

Tiredness, bad mood, headache and despair are some sensations that you experience when you do not rest well. To this is added that if you sleep badly you could live less.  The way you sleep...

Be careful with what you say!

Beyond that you get dark circles, have a bad mood or lack of concentration, when you sleep bad you can cconfess any secret or lie.According to the University of MichiganThose who stay awake for 24...

If you talk asleep, maybe you have Somniloquia

The somniloquy It is a benign sleep disorder that consists of talking asleep, that is, people express monosyllables, unintelligible short words or phrases related to what they are dreaming.People who...

This is reflected in your salary

Almost everyone would think that to have a better salary you should work overtime, and even, sacrifice some hours of dream to fulfill your work. However, this is not the case, on the contrary, sleep...

What is the relation between poor sleep and divorce?

We have all heard that not resting well affects our metabolism, we gain weight and we are stressed, but there is something more worrying: the relationship between sleep badly and divorce.  Those who...

Only 40% of surgeries to stop snoring serve

Snore It has become a normal and common act. Today, 45% of adults snore occasionally and 25% are habitual snorers. The problem is not the snoring, but the inconvenience that they cause individually...

Interrupted sleep affects memory

We spend a third of our lives asleep, if we deprive our body of this rest, we can have as a result death. One of the evidences that supports the idea of dream as restorative paper on the brain, is...

Damage to the body from noise?

Any sound intense as music, snoring during sleep or the operation of machines can be extremely annoying and irritable, as they come to disturb the communication that we share with other people.A...

The bed is for rest

Quitting smoking, drinking a glass of warm milk, eating a salad of lettuce or watching television until you are asleep are some tips that can work when you have difficulty falling asleep. However,...

Other disorders related to sleep drunkenness

The "sleep drunkenness"It's more common than previously thought, and affects about one in 15 Americans, according to a recent study that looked at lifestyle habits. dream of more than 19 thousand...