Snoring is more common in menopause


Women who experience the stage of menopause tend to sleep less, as revealed by the 2005 Sleep Survey in America, from the American Dream Foundation (NSF, for its acronym in English).


And it is that the women who are in this stage of their life, report more alterations caused by hot flashes, changes in mood, insomnia and disordered breathing during sleep.


According to the NSF, 61% of women report being less satisfied with their sleep; Snoring is more common, especially in the postmenopausal stage.


Take it into account...


In this sense, the Hormone Replacement Therapies (TRH) determined by the doctor and according to the physical condition of each woman, can help control the disorders of menopause and help improve their conditions to sleep better.


Some recommendations include: Maintaining a balanced diet; have a normal weight; avoid smoking; decrease the intake of coffee and alcohol, especially before bedtime; Wear light clothing to improve sleep efficiency and avoid heavy covers, so they do not damage the circulation of people.


Because during menopause many women become depressed and anxious, it is important that you go to your doctor, so that you can receive an adequate treatment that allows you to live this stage in the best way, so that your quality of life is not affected by the effects of menopause.


Video Medicine: Women and Sleep Problems (May 2024).