8 things that trigger cancer

We all have Carcinogenic cells in the body and it depends on us to mutate and develop, or not, Cancer.

Then we will mention some of the main factors that trigger this disease, since its appearance is not the result of chance or genetics.

1. Fear

Negative emotions such as fear, anguish, anger or despair greatly weaken the organism.

The relationship between emotions and illness is very large. The importance of these in physical and mental health is decisive and decisive when it comes to suffering or avoiding them.

2. Hide the emotions

Containing emotions or masking them can lead to the development of a tumor.

Emotions must be expressed and taken out, of course we should cry when we need it and let off steam but keeping them to ourselves can cause us to end up developing a cancer sooner or later.

3. Losing the meaning of living

If we believe that our life does not make sense, the cells of our body will also believe it. It is essential to have goals in life and a purpose to live.

4. Traumas

When the biographies of people with cancer are analyzed, in 99% of the cases there are traumatic episodes or situations with a family member or some person who have not overcome or who have left some feeling that has not been overcome. That's why remember to take on and digest everything that happens to you.

5. Environmental pollution

We can not deny that we are subject to a lot of pollution in the environment. From the chemtrails, passing through the electromagnetic waves or the same wifi, all these external factors affect our health as has been demonstrated on many occasions.

6. Poor feeding

One of the main factors of Cancer is to follow an unnatural diet and that produces you acidity. Since the acidosis of the organism is the ideal terrain for this disease to develop. Therefore a natural and mainly alkaline diet is the basis to avoid it.

7. Oxygen deficiency

This risk factor for cancer is linked to the previous section, since an acid diet produces a lack of oxygen in our cells and therefore in our tissues and organs. In addition to food you should exercise outdoors, if you want to have oxygenated cells.

8. Sodium-potassium imbalance

The common salt produces imbalances in our organism. Consuming this type of salt causes an imbalance between sodium and potassium that can cause cancer. This can be corrected by consuming unrefined sea salt or salt from the Himalayas.

Cancer can be prevented by having a better lifestyle and by forgetting the bad habits we usually have.

Do you want to know more? Check this information and other topics of interest in Natural Cancer Cure

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Video Medicine: 8 Everyday Things That May Give You Cancer (April 2024).