No pain and stronger

Due to the current lifestyle, which requires spending hours sitting at work or public transport, you may be one of the thousands of people who suffer pains in the lumbar region. A good and simple way to treat them is to practice postures of yoga specific for back .

Based on information from Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) , the low back pain , the most common of the back pains , is a problem that affects approximately 80 out of 100 people and increases in those who suffer obesity .


No pain and stronger

The yoga , in addition to helping you connect with your interior, it is also an excellent practice to correct problems, so we present your best postures so that you forget about Back pain and come back to enjoy

1. Yoga exercise. A good one asana will help your back to correct the problems and rest, the expert Ana Paula Domínguez , director of Mexican Institute of Yoga , explains step by step how to do it in the next video.

2. Dog's posture looking up. Gaby Tavera , of the Mexican Federation of Yoga (FMY) , indicates that this asana is effective to alleviate back pains It also strengthens the spine and expands the chest.

To do it lie on your stomach, separate your feet 30 cm from each other with your toes pointing back. Place your hands on both sides of your body, inhale and raise the head and torso, stretching the arms completely without knees touching the ground.

Video Medicine: STRUGGLE makes you STRONGER - Motivational Video (April 2024).