This happens if you sleep less than six hours ...

Tiredness, bad mood, headache and despair are some sensations that you experience when you do not rest well. To this is added that if you sleep badly you could live less .


The way you sleep determines your physical, mental and, mainly, your health status, "he says. Reyes Haro, specialist in clinical neurophysiology by the National Institute of Neurology.

The member of the Mexican Institute of Integral Medicine of Sleep assures that those who sleep badly will live less.


Sleeping less accelerates in the genetic processes the development of diseases that exist in your family history as high levels of triglycerides or cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

For this reason, life expectancy is reduced among those who sleep poorly, work at night or have extended or "rotating" shifts.


This happens if you sleep less than six hours ...

A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine reveals that those who sleep less than six hours reduce spending five years of life, divorce three times more than those who do rest well, and are 40% more likely to suffer neuropsychological, digestive and cardiovascular disorders.

In addition, if you work at night and sleep during the day, it is more common for you to experience insomnia, irritability, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, heart disease and drug addiction.

To avoid this, the specialist Reyes Haro recommends putting into practice three habits that gives you a quality dream:


  1. Having the right conditions
  2. That the dream is continuous (the least interrupted possible)
  3. May the dream be deep

Good sleep hygiene favors healthy rest and keeps you alert during the day. Cheer up to practice them!


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